


  • KONJE200C Aplika politika no prosedimentu SSS iha industria konstrusaun
  • ADFSF2001C Mantein dokumentasaun negosio finanseira loron – loron nian
  • EFALN2001C Lee no hakerek testu rotina sira iha serbisu – fatin portugues
  • EFALN2002C Lee no hakerek testu rotina sira iha serbisu – fatin iha tetun
  • EFALN2003C Uza konseptu númeru sira iha serbisu – fatin
  • ADFAD1007C Prepara ba esperiensia serbisu
  • ADFAD1008C Halo atividade esperiensia serbisu ka auto empregu
  • KONJE2002B Halo projetu konstrusaun baziku ida ho ekipa ida
  • Serbisu fundamental ba instalsaun eletrika
  • KONEL2002C Aplika abilidade hodi junta fiu ba instalasaun eletrisidade
  • Instala sistema protesaun eletrika


  • KONEL 3001A Fundamentals of Electricity
  • KONEL 3002A Beach work
  • KONEL 3003A Carry out domestic electrical installation
  • KONEL 3004A Install domestic safety / securety and comunication
  • KONEL 3005A Carry out inspection, testing, fault finding and repair in domestic installation
  • KONEL 3006A Prepare Estimates for Commercial Electrical installtion
  • KONEL 3007A Insustrial electrical installation
  • KONEL 3008A Inspect, test, trace, and repair faults in industrial electrical installation
  • KONEL 3008A Inspect, test, trace, and repair faults in industrial electrical installation
  • KONEL 3009A Install, service and repair electrical control system and prorectif switch Gear
  • KONEL 3010A Industrial safety/ securety and Communication system
  • KONEL2002C Aplika abilidade hodi junta fiu ba instalasaun eletrisidade
  • KONEL 3012A Install, service and Repair motors and Generators

Estrada de Becora Postu Administrativu Cristo Rei- Dili – Suco Becora

(+670) 77048809