


  • EFALN2001B Lee no no hakerek testu rotina sira iha serbisu – fatin iha portugues ka iha Tetun
  • ADFAD1004A Uza pratika serbisu ne’ebe sustetavel ba ambiente
  • EFALN 2003B Uza konseptu númeru sira iha serbisu – fatin
  • ADFAD1007B Prepara ba esperiensia serbisu
  • ADFAD1008B Halo atividade esperiensia serbisu
  • KONJE2001B Aplika no prosedimentu SSS iha industria konstrusaun
  • KONJE2002B Halo projetu konstrusaun baziku ida ho ekipa ida
  • KONPE2001C Uza Ekipamentu, instrument no material iha serbisu pedreiru
  • KONPE2002C Aplika serbisu markasaun (Setting out)
  • KONPE2003C Aplika serbisu halo Fundasaun
  • KONPE2004C Aplika serbisu hada bloku
  • KONPE2005C Monta no sobu kaixa iha serbisu pedreiru
  • KONPE2006C Aplika serbisu Betaun
  • KONPE2007B Aplika serbisu halo Reboka
  • KONPE2008C Halo eskada no rampa ho Betaun
  • KONPE2009C Aplika serbisu Paving Block


  • Ø  KONJE 3007A Carry out Job Search

    Ø  KONJE 3006A Perform Basic Firs Aid

    Ø  KONJE 3005A Apply quality procedures

    Ø  KONJE 3004A Comprehend procedures, specifications and manuals

    Ø  KONJE 3003A Out workplace communication

    Ø  KONJE 3002A Work Values and Ethics

    Ø  KONJE 3001A Work Place Health and safety

    Ø  KONPE 3001A Work safety in the construction industry

    Ø  Erect scaffolding and work safety at medium heinghts

    Ø  KONPE 3003A Apply environmental awareness and practices to all building and construction activities

    Ø  KONPE 3004 A Carry aut basic levelling: straing edge/dumpy/builders auto level in the setting out of site profiles

    Ø  and construction lines

    Ø  KONPE 3006A Lay Paving (from cert 2)

    Ø  KONPE 3007A Apply float and render to flat and curved surfaces (upgrade from 50 hrs cert 2)

    Ø  KONPE 3008A Perform routine manual arc welding

    Ø  KONPE 3009A Place and fix reinforcement materials

    Ø  KONPE 3011A Manufacture concrete blocks

    Ø  KONPE 3013A Lay masonarywalls and corners

    Ø  KONPE  3014A Fix wall tiles and repair tiles

    Ø  KONPE 3015A Fix floor tiles, including tiling tools and materials

Ø  Erect scaffolding and work safety at medium heinghts

Ø  KONPE 3003A Apply environmental awareness and practices to all building and construction activities

Ø  KONPE 3004 A Carry aut basic levelling: straing edge/dumpy/builders auto level in the setting out of site profiles

Ø  and construction lines

Ø  KONPE 3006A Lay Paving (from cert 2)

Ø  KONPE 3007A Apply float and render to flat and curved surfaces (upgrade from 50 hrs cert 2)

Ø  KONPE 3008A Perform routine manual arc welding

Ø  KONPE 3009A Place and fix reinforcement materials

Ø  KONPE 3011A Manufacture concrete blocks

Ø  KONPE 3013A Lay masonarywalls and corners

Ø  KONPE  3014A Fix wall tiles and repair tiles

Ø  KONPE 3015A Fix floor tiles, including tiling tools and materials

Estrada de Becora Postu Administrativu Cristo Rei- Dili – Suco Becora

(+670) 77048809