- KONJE2001C Aplika polítika no prosedimentu SSS iha indústria konstrusaun
- ADFSF2001C Mantein dokumentasaun negosiu finanseira loron-loron nian
- EFALN2001C Lee no hakerek testu rotina sira iha serbisu-fatin iha Portugés ka EFALN2002C Lee no hakerek testu rotina sira iha serbisu-fatin iha Tetun
- EFALN2003C Uza konseptu númeru sira iha serbisu-fatin
- ADFAD2007C Prepara ba esperiensia serbisu
- ADFAD2008C Hala’o atividade esperiensia serbisu
- KONJE2002C Halo projetu konstrusaun baziku ida ho ekipa ida
- KONKS2001C Serbisu Tesi no Hatutan kanu
- KONKS2002C Serbisu Hasubar ka Hakoi Kanu ba instalasaun kanalizasaun (Lay Pipes)
- KONKS2003C Instala sistema Kanalizasaun Bee Mos
- KONKS2004C Instalasaun Sistema Drainazem Sanitariu Báziku
- KONKS2005C Instala No Monta Asesoriu Sanitaria
- KONKS2006C Halo manutensaun ba sistema kanalizasaun
- KONKS2007C Produs no Instala Sistema Drainazen Kakuluk
- KONKS3001A Interpret plans and calculate plumbing quantitie
- KONKS3002A Prepare Simples Sketches and Drawings
- KONKS3003A Practice welding plastic pipes
- KONKS3004A Install a water Service
- KONKS3005A Install and Commission water Heating System
- KONKS3006A Install Discharge pipes
- KONKS3007A Select and fit insulation and Sheanthing
- KONKS3008A Perform repairs on wall and Floor Tiles
- KONKS3009A Install domestic Treament Plants
- KONKS3010A Install water tanks to Collect and store roof wat
- KONKS3011A Practice Flashing roof and wall penetrations
- KONKS3012 Practice Draining a Work Site